Revox b215 manual
Doch jetzt. zum Horlest: Das Revox B 215 ist schon ein. Tausendsassa, was die optima-. le Hohendynamik betrifft. Revox B 215. Tandberg TCD 3014 A. Hinterbandkontrolle Rauschunterdruckung. Dual Capstan. a Dolby B/C. This Revox B 215 is a stereo cassette deck with double Dolby B/C and HX-Pro noise reduction, it was first sold by Revox in 1985 with a list price of USD $2,300 and The main features of the Revox B 215 are: 3 heads and off-tape monitoring, digital linear tape counter with 4 digits, tape type selection and
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